Our Partnerships

At BAL we are committed to the ongoing prosperity of our community. We understand that every contribution has the potential to make a difference, and while we have corporate objectives, we believe we have an ongoing social responsibility too.

The firm is a keen contributor to the Canberra community in a number of ways including the provision of pro-bono legal assistance, undertaking volunteer legal work, sponsorship arrangements, donations, fundraising and developing young professionals.

Our community partnerships are an important part of our work and our contribution to the business community.  We partner with organisations with whom we believe we can work to make a difference in the community.  For these partners we provide pro-bono assistance, in-kind support and thought leadership collaborations.


We have partnered with the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM), the national peak body representing the co-operative and mutual model of enterprise, for more than 5 years.   As leaders at the forefront of Co-operative National Law in Australia, we contribute knowledge and information to BCCM’s members so that they continue their important contribution to the national economy and community development.


We are proud sponsors of the Real Estate Institute of the ACT. REIACT is the leading professional body for the real estate industry in the ACT and we partner with REIACT to enhance the standard of education and knowledge of its members and the wider community

Australian Human Resources Institute

BAL is a corporate member of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), a partnership that helps our firm provide training and development opportunities to our staff. We value this membership as it provides access to support, guidance and the latest knowledge in HR and People management, helping us to be a great place to work.

Property Council of Australia

The Property Council of Australia is Australia’s peak body for the property industry.  Australia’s property industry spans a significant proportion of the national workforce and PCA provides advocacy and support for this thriving industry.  Through our membership with PCA, we demonstrate our commitment to the issues of significance affecting the property sector.  We contribute to the conversation and network with others working in the field, with the added benefit of staying abreast of current knowledge and challenges.

Strata Community Association (ACT)

The Strata Community Association (ACT) is the peak professional association for the Australian Capital Territory Body Corporate and Community Title Management industry and provides a forum for improved standards and education in the industry. BAL is proud to support this organisation through our membership.

Environment & Planning Law Association NSW

The Environment & Planning Law Association (EPLA) NSW is an organisation whose members are drawn from many environmental disciplines including from the fields of planning, environment, architecture, local government and the legal profession.

Master Builders Association (ACT)

The Master Builders Association of the ACT has represented the building and construction industry since 1925.  BAL is proud to support the association through it’s corporate membership.

Canberra Business Chamber

The Canberra Business Chamber is a member-based organisation, representing a broad range of businesses as well as many of the ACT’s key industry associations and community organisations.  Their  purpose is to drive the economic prosperity and growth of Canberra and our region through business.

Vikings Rugby

From humble beginnings in 1973, the Tuggeranong Vikings have developed into a rugby powerhouse, with high aspirations and an aggressive administration.  The vision of Vikings rugby continues to be dominated by an inherent desire to offer its players the very best level of rugby.  BAL has been a long time sponsor of the Club.

Win The Day Charity

BAL are proud to support Win The Day as our official charity partner for 2023.

Win the Day aims to raise awareness and support the funding of research related to rare childhood cancers, whilst supporting families who are dealing with the diagnosis of rare childhood cancer

More information on their mission can be found on their website.

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